Meet Your Guide
“I firmly believe we are all doing the very best that we can. And we can only do better when we know better. And having support during the process of ‘knowing better’ inspires us to actually do better.”
-Cindy Austin

“I’ve known Cindy Austin for many years as she has grown into her field and a few things I can say are that she is 100% committed to finding the truth and evolving from it. She helps people, first by identifying with their human spirit without judgment, reaching the part of a person who is asking for help, who is trying to grow, looking for the light in the darkest of places, helping people to love all of it, appreciate it for what it is and then “bloom where they are planted”. She has the ability to make you want to try. And she’s as flawed as the rest of us, and humble about it, constantly learning from it, and there is nothing more beautiful than that- someone real, helping real people with real problems live happier lives.
-Katheryn H.”
Cindy Austin has more than 20 years experience working with all walks of life and all ages and stages of relationships. From dating and just engaged to wanting to make a good marriage even better and also struggling with whether to stay or go, and ultimately, un-coupling with as much grace and dignity as possible.
She has not only walked the walk herself but she has been privileged to walk alongside many of her clients as they have faced their own heartaches and relationship disappointments. She aspires to now empower even more people to begin the process of deliberately and consciously choosing a significant relationship from the start rather than facing the painful consequences at the other end with a divorce or perhaps as roommates tolerating a lukewarm partnership for years and years or at least “until the kids leave home”!
Chemistry is important, but clearly there is so much more to the process! Let’s begin releasing the mindset of scarcity and fear and practice adopting the mindset of abundance and love–a much more empowered approach to choosing our lifelong partner! Let’s discover how to do this together in a safe and compassionate environment.

“Relationship expert” with quotations because I had two divorces before I learned how to ‘turn my own mess into my message’! Self-aware pickleball fanatic, dog and cat fan, hot yoga lover, and mom/bonus mom with a blended family of 6 teens/young adults.
Experience working with Adolescents, Couples, Individuals, Families and Parents addressing the following:
- 20+ years as a private practitioner
- 2 years as the Program Director for Education Non-Profit—Breakthrough Central Texas
- 2 years as a consultant for the Breakthrough program
- 7 years as a secondary Spanish teacher
- 2 years as a Crisis Counselor in a 5A high school
- 1 year as a Middle School Counselor
- 6 months internship in domestic violence shelter
- 6 months internship in an MHMR crisis shelter
- 6 months working independently for CPS
- 6 months as a Counselor in the child and adolescent unit at
- Integral Care (formerly MHMR)
MS, LPC, Professional Mediator, Certified Assistant Psychodramatist, ETT Practitioner: levels I, II, IV, and V, Trained in New Ways For Families® for High Conflict Couples/Families, Bilingual-Spanish Speaker and Workshop Presenter for: American Society for Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama, Austin Community College, Austin Independent School-Murchison Middle School, Anderson High School, St. Matthew’s Church, St. Theresa’s School, GENaustin, Boys and Girls Club of America, AISD Region XIII, College Forward, Breakthrough Austin and Recovery Unplugged.
Certificates & Trainings:
- Over 2,000+ hours in Psychodrama (Action-based group therapy)
- Emotionally Focused Therapy- Individuals, Couples and Families
- Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP)
- Transactional Analysis
- Emotional Transformation Therapy (ETT)
- Enneagram- Certified Advanced Instructor- IEA Accredited Training Program
- Positive Psychology
- Addiction/Recovery with Pia Mellody at The Meadow’s
- Meditation and Mindfulness
- Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
- Dreambuilder Live with Mary Morrissey
- Playing the Matrix with Mike Dooley
- Safe Conversations with Harville Hendrix and Helen Hunt
- Imago Therapy with Harville Hendrix and Helen Hunt
- Big Impact University
- New Ways for Families, Immunizing Parents from Becoming High-Conflict through divorce, separation and co-parenting
- The Developmental Model- Drs. Ellyn Bader and Peter Pearson
- 2023 – The Couples Institute
- 2023 – The Speaker Lab
- 2023 – Parental Alienation Reunification Training
- 2022 – Psychopharmacology of Psychedelics-Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies
- 2021 – Emotional Focused Therapy Training (Individuals, Couples and Families) with Sue Johnson
- 2019 – Emotional Transformation Therapy training
- 2019 – Dream Builder LIVE
- 2019 – Enneagram (Personality test)
- 2018 – Big Impact University (Leadership & Speaking)
- 2015 – Certified in New Ways For Families®
- 2011 – 2013 – Emotional Transformation Therapy
- 1994 – 2006 – Westwood Psychodrama Training Institute
- 2001 – Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) Texas #17222
- 1999 – Masters of Science (Counseling & Development) Texas Woman’s University
- 1997 – Certified Professional Mediator
- 1991 – Bachelor of Science (Education) University of Texas at Austin