An empowered approach to choosing an ideal partner.
What would it mean to you to have a committed and fulfilling relationship that heals, transforms, and enhances your life with untold love and joy?
What is LipSync Dating?
The DYNAMIC DATING program, LipSync, is NOT for:

People interested in “playing the field” or laissez-faire dating

The DYNAMIC DATING program, LipSync, IS for:

What is the LipSync Dating Program?
The LipSync Dating Program is a self-paced, evergreen, online program that includes two live, open group video calls a week with Cindy where she answers questions and you get to benefit from a community of fellow daters! You get to choose the module or modules that are most relevant to where you are on your dating journey. See below for more details.
To start your journey with the LipSync Dating Program
Schedule a complimentary consultation with Cindy so that she can hear more about your unique dating challenges and aspirations!
LipSync Online Dating Program
MODULE 1: Create Your Ideal Partner Blueprint
This module helps develop and define your specific hopes and dreams so when you get there you can finally know when you've arrived rather than hoping you're close! No one wants to be the person the other person "settled" for and we don't want to "settle" ourselves. No one wins if we settle out of scarcity or fear that our dreams are too big. There is no PERFECT person. It's not even on the map. But there are IDEAL partners. Use this model to get super clear on what that means to you.
MODULE 2: Assessment and Clarification of Your Personal Values, Interests & Desires
For example, why twist ourselves into pretzels to say we love to ski when we would rather read a book by the fire or admit that having the TV always on does bother us and that in fact, sometimes silence or music would be your preference? Or vice versa? To let someone love the real you, requires that you are clear on what lights you up, and turns you on about life.
MODULE 3: Claim and Celebrate Your Own Value & Worth
This is a true shift in most people as they date when they realize that who they are is "good enough" and that not everyone is going to be attracted to you, but it only takes one to be attracted to the authentic you, rather than some facsimile of who you think other people want you to be. How exhausting to have to continue pretending to be this person they said they fell in love with when you know deep down it isn't your authentic self. This module helps you lean into the truest part of you and gain the confidence necessary to celebrate your own value and worth before you look for someone outside of you to do it for you!
MODULE 4: Cultivate the Art of Effective Communication & Productive Conflict
This module gives you specific and actionable steps to begin practicing to show up authentically even when it's uncomfortable. It also helps validate what healthy boundaries look and feel like when exposed to strong emotions from ourselves and from our partners.
MODULE 5: Recognize and Rewrite Patterns That No Longer Serve You
This module is for when you notice dating has become a drag and you feel discouraged and even hopeless about finding a quality person to date, much less your ideal partner! Learn some tricks to help you refuse to settle for old patterns but rather install a new mindset and generate new, fulfilling outcomes!
Topics we’ll cover, but not limited to:
- Create an Ideal Partner Blueprint
- Assessment and Clarification of Personal Values, Interests and Desires
- Claim and Celebrate Your Own Value and Self-Worth
- Cultivate the Art of Effective Communication and Productive Conflict
- Recognize and Rewrite Patterns that No Longer Serve You
- Practice Integrating New Skills, Tools and Concepts in Real-Time
- Release Old Blocks and Allow Your Ideal Partner Into Your Life
Topics we’ll cover, but not limited to:
- Create an Ideal Partner Blueprint
- Assessment and Clarification of Personal Values, Interests and Desires
- Claim and Celebrate Your Own Value and Self-Worth
- Cultivate the Art of Effective Communication and Productive Conflict
- Recognize and Rewrite Patterns that No Longer Serve You
- Practice Integrating New Skills, Tools and Concepts in Real-Time
- Release Old Blocks and Allow Your Ideal Partner Into Your Life
During a Session:
- Greeting & a brief check-in
- Cindy shares an educational insight(s) or a teaching(s)
- Questions and clarifications
- Practice and integration of new information & tools in real time
- Takeaways and action steps
A Significant Relationship
This Group is the best support you could ask for when looking for the ideal partner for your life. I learned more about myself and my strength than I have ever known.
I found my happy place in this group and can't think the wonderful people I got to share this experience with enough!"

I thought I knew beforehand how to read signals and cues, but now I am blown away at what I was missing!
I am now a champion LipSync Dater and feel much more confident about how to navigate this dating process and not end up in the same dead ends!

It’s so refreshing to feel secure in a relationship and through all the difficult moments and guys ghosting and tears and pain.
I’m glad I know what I have right in front of me and would never expect or give anything less again.”
I've been in one now for two years and we are about to move in together!
Who would have believed this? Listen to her there is hope"

This happened during our holiday party today! I feel excited but also very peaceful about it all. I am where I'm supposed to be and learned a lot from my past relationships, from Cindy, and all of the tools I've collected along the way to help me know more about who I am and what I'm looking for.
I found my ideal partner!"
It teaches you how to attract a relationship that is transforming, healing and enriching.
Working with Cindy is having a truly wise friend who walks with you on the journey of learning about a healthier approach to dating."

Book your Discovery
Call With Cindy Now!
What if the journey has just as much to offer as the destination?